Search results

  1. P

    What are some good websites to find a boat to hitchhike/work on?

    I'm interested in either hitchhiking or working on a boat, preferably sailing from England.. anyone know of any good websites that can help me along with this?
  2. P

    Are fuel prices higher or lower nearest the interstates in your area of the US?

    I'm traveling by car next week, and I've joined a discussion forum about gas prices. One user stated that gas prices in his area were higher near the interstate, and lower in the small towns away from the interstates. In MY area, it is just the opposite. The closer to the interstate, the lower...
  3. P

    Ships Ahoy Math Forum Help?

    In a naval engagement, one-third of the fleet was captured, one- sixth was sunk, and two ships were destroyed by fire. One-seventh of the surviving ships were lost in a storm after the battle. Finally, the twenty-four remaining ships sailed home. How many ships were in the fleet before the...