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  1. M

    Any AIS experts out there?

    Wondering if anyone can explain what might be happening with our AIS - in particular the fact that when we're not on our boat, she is often alleged (via Marine Traffic and so on) to be in completely different places to where we left her! This is accompanied by other unlikely readings...
  2. M

    Belgium to Ramsgate

    Hi all, a quick request for advice please. We are planning a trip from Netherlands (where we live) to London. Current idea is to head down the Dutch coast to one of the Belgian ports - most likely Nieuwpoort - and then head across to Ramsgate, before making our way round to Medway/Thames. My...
  3. M

    Markermeer and Haringvliet info

    Hi all, To add to the steady flow of info about Dutch waters here, there are two things I'd like to mention... 1 Markermeer: (useful now) offers an overview of the well-known weed problem in the Markermeer. Recent experience suggests it is pretty on the money but it's not (of...
  4. M

    Jeanneau Attalia swing keel

    Hello everyone. We are considering buying a nice-looking example of a Jeanneau Attalia swing keel. There's not that much information about them on the web, so if anyone has any experience of the type, could you share it? Things to check over, watch out for etc. In principle we're very keen. Many...