Search results

  1. LizzyD

    Bristol Festival and the Nightmare Journey Home

    What a weekend the Harbour Festival turned out to be. Bev and I set off from Cardiff at 14:00 on Friday, leaving a furrow in the muddy slime outside of the Barrage. Low water? You’re telling me! We had a choppy ride over to Bristol, but nothing we couldn't cope with. We were too excited about...
  2. LizzyD

    Thanks to the thieving scum!

    Since I bought Lizzy two years ago, her inventory included a ropey old Suzuki 2hp outboard which sat on a bracket at the pushpit. According to the previous owner, it hadn't worked for a while and as I already have a working o/b motor in the garage, I never bothered with it, intending to remove...
  3. LizzyD

    Cellleeerbrate Good Times C'mon Derner ner ner nerner YAHOO!

    Cellleeerbrate Good Times C\'mon Derner ner ner nerner YAHOO! OK, You've caught me in an absolutely top mood. Why? Loads of reasons really. Please permit me to show off! Today is my birthday and Bev's bought me tickets to see "The Quo" at Cafartha Castle in Merthyr. Can't blummin wait! AND...
  4. LizzyD

    Bristol Habour Festival

    Is anyone going? I got my form through the other day and posted it along with my cheque for £40.00. I hope it's worth it. Still, there will be a full weekend of entertainment so I imagine it will. The burgee will be up to show off our colours. My alternater's on the sick at the moment. I've...
  5. LizzyD

    Test picture

    I'm posting this to see if I've go tthe hang of photobucket. Every time I post a picture, it's massive, and I'd like to post smaller ones - so here goes. It's me and my mate investigating a fire in Cardiff. My mate is called Matt and is looking for a boat. He thought he'd found one last...
  6. LizzyD

    M4 Motorway on Tuesday 27th May 2008.

    Hi everyone, I know this isn't a boat related post, but it's a chance to let fellow forumites know of something that's going to take place on the M4 tomorrow. Work just contacted me to let me know that there will be a fuel protest drive along the M4 tomorrow morning. It's heading from Pont...
  7. LizzyD

    Sharpness and Gloucester

    Does anyone know if it's possible to get to Gloucester Docks in a boat with masts? I was looking on Google Earth which was obviously photographed on THE day of sunshine last year, since they now have a 2007 version. I followed the route from Sharpness up to Gloucester and it looks as though...
  8. LizzyD

    Ilfracombe - Here we come!

    As promised in the previous thread, my mates Dave and Ray from Cardiff Yacht Club were going to accompany Bev and me down to Ilfracombe. I had new legs on order to dry out with, and I was shaking like a new groom on his wedding night with anticipation. Then the phone went! The leg man in...
  9. LizzyD

    Oh, Have I Had A Good Day?

    Before I start this thread proper, did anyone go to Bristol this weekend? I wouldn't sail because I was frightened of the weather. I don't suppose "Derek the Weatherman" fears for his job. (Sorry English readers and assumedly TV viewers. He's a Welsh weather presenter on BBC Wales.) I couldn't...
  10. LizzyD

    This Weather is Pants!!!

    We had looked forward to this years summer holiday for ages. As it was my birthday in June, Bev bought me a new GPS for the boat which after much cursing and spitting, I managed to interface with the VHF so that if I ever have to press the red button, the Coastys will know where we are...
  11. LizzyD

    Sail Repairs

    Hi everyone, Could any of you fellow yachties advise me please? I've got a torn genoa and need to get it repaired. I was toying with going to the sail place next door to Force 4 in Bristol, but if there's anywhere good nearer the Cardiff area that you recommend, I'll give it a go. The sail is...
  12. LizzyD

    The Weekend Wenteth

    Following on from my recent post and asserting my intention to take the boat out, I went to Cardiff Yacht Club to load up Lizzy D with bags and bits and pieces ready for a trip to Bristol and then on to Portishead. However, it slammed down with rain and nature gave me a great display of thunder...
  13. LizzyD

    The Weekend Cometh

    Managed to get Friday off. I was on a 24 hour duty, but slipped in a leave request quickly enough to be able to go out this weekend. Destination - Bristol. OK, I know I've done it before and it's nothing new, but I can't hide my excitement at the thought of going out. Had a word with Bev five...
  14. LizzyD


    I haven't given up on trying to get to Ireland this year. Last year's Summer holiday to North Wales all went wrong when we got to Milford. Anyway, I have a question. I have just registered my boat online and paid for Part III registration (a bargain at £25.00). I was advised that I should do...
  15. LizzyD

    Bank Holiday Weekend

    So what did you do? Bev and I took Lizzy D up to Portishead for our first overnighter of the year. (I know - we're definitely fair weather sailors.) Our dog Kaiser came too. I love Portishead. There's a few nice pubs there and a cracking Indian called Ghandi's. We set off at about 15:00 and had...
  16. LizzyD

    Ireland 2007

    Hi everyone. I couldn't post for ages because of a problem with my password etc. Luckily, a nice chap called Dan sorted it for me and now I'm back online. Next year, I fancy having a go to Ireland. My trip to Conwy this year was too ambitious with hindsight, so Ireland is our next personal...
  17. LizzyD

    Tiller Pilot advice

    Can anyone tell me whether the Simrad TPs are any good. I was going to get a new Raymarine from my local chandlers, but they can't get one until after May - and I'm impatient. Another chandlers not too far from here (South Wales) sells the simrad type and they have the apparant advantage of...