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  1. Kilter

    Fuel Funnel Filter

    H&S warning. After filtering using this method do not put the hat back on your head and light a fag!
  2. Kilter

    Beer and natter too be held in wales

    Please put Mrs K and I on the list!
  3. Kilter

    Ceramic Kinves

    No staining and retains the edge well.
  4. Kilter

    Thoughts and prayers are with oGaryo tonight

    A good day indeed! Every best wish for a continued speedy recovery.
  5. Kilter

    Thoughts and prayers are with oGaryo tonight

    I have only just seen this thread. Every best wish for a speedy recovery Gary.
  6. Kilter

    Those boat names

    our tender is called 'Out Of' :encouragement:
  7. Kilter

    Coolest mobos

    Thanks for the info Lindsey!
  8. Kilter

    Bloomin' jetskis!
  9. Kilter

    At Last!!

    Well done! :encouragement:
  10. Kilter

    The Forum Burgee.

    We still have the one you sent us, still used and still in good nick. Thank you!
  11. Kilter

    Caption if you can

    The synchronised ladder climb was not going as planned
  12. Kilter

    LittleShip - Birthday Greetings

    Happy splash too then!
  13. Kilter

    LittleShip - Birthday Greetings

    A very happy birthday from all here Tom!
  14. Kilter

    Learning French

    Tres bien! :D
  15. Kilter

    Darwin award 2012

    Well you wouldn't want to upset the fun box would you? ;)
  16. Kilter


    Swiss army boat contains a gadget for every circumstance
  17. Kilter

    The Big Adventure 2014

    Sounds like a good plan to me! :D
  18. Kilter

    I'm leaving Yachting Monthly

    Best of luck to you Graham!
  19. Kilter

    Worth all the money...

    Is this better? Nice happy picture!