Search results

  1. Cardo

    French waterways guides - looking for their owner!

    A ha! They’re yours! I’ll PM you to arrange return.
  2. Cardo

    French waterways guides - looking for their owner!

    Dear all, A number of years ago I borrowed a selection of French canal guides (navicartes, fluvicartes) for our trips down the canals from a member of this forum. I’m rather embarrassed to say after our trip and subsequent selling of the boat, the guides were put into storage along with a load...
  3. Cardo

    Bow Thruster Control Circuitry

    Apologies for resurrecting this old thread, however we're in the process of selling our boat and the blasted QL BP600 bow thruster has picked now to pack up. We've tracked the issue down to the circuit board, and to my dismay it looks like there's no readily available replacements. I'd be...
  4. Cardo

    Time to sell the boat :(

    Thanks to those who have shown an interest in Tinkerbell. We've finally listed her for sale with Why Boats, . I would imagine this detail may get removed, but I'll avoid putting a link in to try to stay under the radar! She's with a broker as we live almost two hours away from the boat, and...
  5. Cardo

    Time to sell the boat :(

    Good idea. I've sent him a message via his website. Though we may be too small fry for him!
  6. Cardo

    Time to sell the boat :(

    Good evening, all After much deliberation with 'er indoors, we have come to the conclusion that it's time to let someone else enjoy the boat. We bought her and fixed her up for our 2.5 year trip however now that we're back we have found we simply don't have the time to dedicate to her and I...
  7. Cardo

    2017 Cherbourg Scuttlebutt Cruise

    Sadly, we broke Tinkerbell so she's currently out of action. We don't know whether she'll be back to her tricks again in time so we'll have to be a maybe for now.
  8. Cardo

    Rudderless! New rudder build in the Solent area?

    We've been contacting various people in the area. Surprising how some people can't be bothered to even return emails/calls. We've been advised a suitable way forward would be to simply have a good carpenter make up new rudders with glassed in marine ply, which is what our existing rudders are...
  9. Cardo

    Rudderless! New rudder build in the Solent area?

    Just got the quote back from them. Two new rudders plus new brackets... £7000. Plus yard fees. Sadly, a little over our budget. :O I've not heard back from the chap at Universal, and the guy who's done some work for me before is fully booked up through October. I'm not doing so well here.
  10. Cardo

    Rudderless! New rudder build in the Solent area?

    Thanks. Though their website makes them look rather upmarket! I'll see what they say... I'm surprised there's only been one suggestion, so far? Surely there must be plenty of other people or companies about that can build a custom rudder?
  11. Cardo

    DJI Spark

    I have a Spark Fly More combo on order. Hoping it'll arrive some time in early July. Had my eye on a drone for some time, and almost ordered a Mavic Pro, but just couldn't justify the cost for what would be a bit of fun with some video recording thrown in. The Spark, on the other hand, is...
  12. Cardo

    Rudderless! New rudder build in the Solent area?

    Whilst sailing across the Solent today unfortunately one of our rudders broke clean off! Yet another bite from the previous owner's dodgy DIY. Fortunately, the remaining rudder managed to get us home. However, we're now left needing to sort out getting a couple of new rudders and associated...
  13. Cardo

    VNF Licence for French waterways online

    This is the page - It isn't encrypted, which is rather quaint. I suggest you use 3G or your private, home WiFi when you order the vignette as any details supplied will be transmitted in plain text. It's very poor practice, but just make sure you use a credit...
  14. Cardo

    Watermaker installation - 1 or 2 through hulls?

    I was advised to fit the brine outlet above the waterline, which is what I did. That part seemed to work fine.
  15. Cardo

    Flotilla company recommendation please

    +1 for Sailing Holidays if you're fancying a flotilla holiday. They always put on a good, social show. If you're looking at bareboat, we went with Nisos this past summer and certainly couldn't complain. Reasonably priced and a decent boat. We had a fault with the anchor windlass which they...
  16. Cardo

    One gas burner not pulling its weight

    The flame is most of the way around, just gives small flames, as if the knob were turned right down. Iirc, the flame is mostly blue with the odd yellow tinge. I don't think it's an air problem, as I've cleaned it all out and I've had that problem before that was fixed with a good clean. Is...
  17. Cardo

    One gas burner not pulling its weight

    Afternoon, fellow boaters A little while back I replaced the regulator on our gas supply as the old one seemed to have given up the ghost. This seemed to make a big difference, with the oven, grill and one of the burners on our Plastimo Neptune back working as normal. However, one of the...
  18. Cardo

    2017 Cherbourg Scuttlebutt Cruise

    Having been trying to attend for the past few years, this time it looks like we should be able to make it (weather permitting!). I'll sign up Tinkerbell for 2 patrons, possibly some guests.
  19. Cardo

    VNF Licence for French waterways online

    As above. Created an account with the boat details, then ordered the appropriate length of time vignette. You get it in PDF form by email and just print it out and display it.
  20. Cardo

    Valencia Grand Prix

    Indeed, would've made for a fun forum cruise.