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    PLA Safety Notice to Narrowboats

    Standard procedure check and recheck, thers so much on a boat that CAN GO Wrong and if acted upon quickly are only problems and not disasters. Now the NBoaters should have taken more time to examin the boat in the water before charging out onto the tidal thames. My old boat Lazy Days was...
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    The shape of things to come?

    Lock control. Would it not be possible to control the locks remotely from a central station, locks are now being fitted with CCTV and the gates are hydraulic, so hey bang in a computer and sack 10 lock keepers. Bridges and locks are controlled this way in Holland. If there were no boats on...
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    EA Visiting Marinas

    I do take your point on river maintenance but this maintenance and flood control also provides advantages for others. Riverside property owners for one do they pay anything towards the upkeep? Other than boater who else pay for EA services? Is there a charge for a pubs visitor mooring.? Maybe...
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    Some people are really nice!

    Wonder what would have happened if you had given then loose tea? Reminds me of the time a NB asked to raft up along side us at Cookham, this resulted in a thick head the next morning.
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    Student Living on a boat in Thames.

    I lived aboard my boat for 2 years but was very lucky to have a free mooring, landside toilet, water, off street parking and use of a swimming pool which I maintained. electric was through a seperate meter. All part of the boat deal. Showers were taken at work. Used the boat when ever possible...
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    EA Visiting Marinas

    Knots and bolts They could do the Welsh thing and post em in English and EU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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    Dunkirk Little ships at Sunbury 04/09/2011 Lots of pictures .

    Sold Lazy Days after the return 2010, had I known you were a chippy I could have swapped her for a house set of new window frames. Still the cash came in handy and now theres no money going out for the great expense of keeping em shipshape.
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    Lincoln to Leeds and Back again

    Hi CX54WEK, Great post and loved the photos, reminded me of my Lazy Days trip. Cuxton upon Medway to Castleford 3 weeks there and back, with kind weather most of the time. Lazy Days was built in the yard next to the road bridge at Castleford way back in 1930. I think you may have moored up by...
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    EA Visiting Marinas

    Im a little suprised that a boat has to have a river licence to sit in a marina, surely a marina is private property. Yes of course you do need a licence to navigate the river. So if I buy a boat from the marina or get it trucked in and floated in the marina and decide I dont wont to use it for...
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    Drama at Tedders on Wednesday night

    A very sad loss. Ken was one of the first Dunkirkers I met, as I came into the bank Trad Boat Rally 1996 he put his plate of food down took my ropes, once I was settled he went back to his cold meal. I did warm him up later with a bottle of Dunkirk spirit. Tantulas will be missed and her...
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    Apologies from the River Severn

    River Severn Used to water ski under the 1st Severn Bridge while working on a tunnelling that passed under the bridge and the Wye for national grid power cables. We would ski down to Bristol or up to Sharpness, boats were launched of the old ferry slipway next to the Ferry Boat Inn Hotel. We...
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    car moored in the thames

    My Ford Escape SUV has discs all round "not square ones" and drum hand brake. Came upon a Bedford TK truck on a hill back in the dark ages of the 60s, the driver was waving like mad. He had sheared a half shaft so couldn't hold the truck on his gears, the hand brake worked on the prop shaft...
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    car moored in the thames

    Galaxy Ripple. She stopped to buy a bar of chocolate, maybe a Galaxy Ripple!!!!!!!!
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    VHF on non tidal Thames

    Raymond Baxter When the Thames Dunkirk fleet went down/up river to/from a reunion, a radio channel would be nominated. Raymond would call up the fleet and suggest that he would make one call to the Thames Barrage for permission to pass through. A PLA officer guest speaker at one of ADLS...
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    Gold Pedestal at Boveney !

    Going for gold You get a gold medal if you can hand wind the lock within 10 mins.
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    Relcraft Owners

    Research Si Dude, I find its great to do research into passed companys and often on rainy nights with no Satilite TV reception I get the old laptop out and start looking. Researched TVR cars and Elva Couriers as my brother sold the former and built the last of the later. As for my old boat...
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    VHF on non tidal Thames

    Sierra oscar delta india delta India. It also comes in very handy talking to Barclays bank call station in India and booking flight tickets by phone. Found that VHF was mostly used on the Thames to wish other boaters Happy Birthday and when were they taking the ballons in??????????????????
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    Wells next the Sea - July 2012

    Wells next the sea Great post, great photos. Went into Wells coming down the east coast from Castleford Yorkshire after taking Lazy Days home where she was built in 1930. Called up the harbourmaster he suggested giving the tide an hour to get us over the bar. Forty mins later later he told us...
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    How long is the trip from Teddington to Marlow

    My rule of thumb for journeys times was: Milage+locks+cups of tea+pubs = ages
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    MTB 102

    White Marling David was trying to get White Marling to the pageant sadly he was let down by supplyiers that would have left the boat open to the eliments and so didn't attend, a wise decision I think. Well WM is back afloat on the Medway after having $$$$$$$$ spent on her, ribs doubled, new...