Search results

  1. D

    Female Yacht Owners

    Bullseye; how lovely to see you again Serin! ?
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    Penlee RNLI Rescue Last Night

    There are always risks when standing oneself into danger in small vessels as the RNLI volunteers routinely do. A friend of mine is Commander at one of the RNLI's biggest stations. He's only in his early-30s. Yet, he and his crews routinely attend shouts where they witness the victims of...
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    Penlee RNLI Rescue Last Night

    None of us know the lead-up which underpinned this rescue. So, I‘d say we should all be happy with a good outcome. Judging doesn’t necessarily help unless in possession of the full facts Which the internet never has
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    Gas System. Strange Behaviour.

    Is it a marine regulator or a regular one? If latter, they tend to corrode over time. In which case replace and retest — ideally with marine kit — and it will almost certainly be fine. BTW, marine regulators are truly much better when operating heeled. Also, if relevant, EN 12864 ANNEX M...
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    Public apology

    You know Roger, you did make a mistake and while minor i was so sorry for you; because yes, it was about to mar a great trip. However, everyone makes mistakes, only with differences in outcome: Successful people learn from them and unsuccessful people don’t. You‘ve admitted it, so you’re 99%...
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    More detail emerges on ETIAS for those of us who sail to France etc

    I was talking to a friend of mine in Cherbourg who tells me that many French businesses are lamenting the loss of British visiting yachts. For me, the most important challenge is that we rekindle our pre-Brexit friendships and business relationships. The starting point is to ensure that French...
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    More detail emerges on ETIAS for those of us who sail to France etc

    [Content removed]; at this stage most people just want to figure out the new rules and get on with life: 1. Which streets am I no longer allowed to drive on? 2. Can I sail from Portsmouth to Roscoff, then Treguier, then home? 3. What is the position for a UK flagged vessel carrying people with...
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    Shakedown crews...

    Golly, you Jersey mob are so like us Irish: attitude to tax, bureaucracy, and you've just nailed how we greet each other: "Jersey, eh? You must know Lill. Lill Reece, or Rhys. Wait a minute - could have been Rees. Or Reese, now I think about it. Something like that, anyway. She was the barmaid...
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    Insurance for commercial use (similar to bareboat charter)

    Perhaps they can't be bothered but I doubt it. More likely there is a red flag in there somewhere, whether it be corporate structure, creditworthiness, skipper qualifications, or something else. Why don't you ask the insurance companies/brokers what you need to do to obtain cover?
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    Insurance for commercial use (similar to bareboat charter)

    Didn't we already have a thread on this? Either way, I think you have answered your question. Your "slightly different" business model is clearly a red flag to industry-standard insurance norms. If you can precisely describe your business then someone can perhaps offer more substantive advice.
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    Fawley Chimney Demolition

    And as someone who knows DJE well, I'd ask him to run a mechanical project in a heartbeat. Alas, he builds ever so lightly bigger things than most of us house dwellers would be considering! :):)
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    Fawley Chimney Demolition

    In answer to your first question, I've no intention of posting a private residence on a public forum. But the project worked out well with a slight time delay. As to my experience with architects, I've been involved in a number of building projects but am not a professional. My opinions on this...
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    Fawley Chimney Demolition

    As the project progressed, it became clear that the architect was increasingly out of his depth and the structural/mechanical engineers basically took over. Another area to keep architects out of IMHO is the tendering process. They don't appear to possess anything close to the legal and...
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    Fawley Chimney Demolition

    Should be fine, Just don't let Thomas Farriner's offspring set up a bakery in the complex :oops::oops:
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    Fawley Chimney Demolition

    I'd be careful going that way. I asked an architect to come up with a design for a traditional looking brick house on a plot I already had. When the look and layout was decided, I handed it to a firm of design engineers to spec the systems, electrics, and insulation/materials to almost meet...
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    Do be careful before you go paddle boarding

    I got the story here: Three paddleboarders die after group swept away in flooded river in Wales Although, for sure, full details have yet to be established by official inquires.
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    Do be careful before you go paddle boarding

    Okay so you deleted your first "bronzed bodies" post, that's good. Followed by more cheap jibes about "inexperienced people" participating in "me too sport". And your assertion about being perfectly safe in a kayak is both wrong and dangerous, which as an experienced kayaker I would advise any...
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    Been swimming in Langstone Harbour recently?

    Lol! Just write your will first in case the anti-terrorist units there don’t immediately recognise it’s a political protest! :oops:
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    How many other folk feel the same?

    Oh for goodness sake ! Is there some sort of "Periodic Table of Women" that I've missed? With "Fizzy Girls" over on the left that react violently to water, "Saily Chicks" somewhere in the middle, the ever so dull "Helium Babes" over on the right, and the sometimes fearsome Heavy Metal Goths...