Questions about Snapdragon 26, West.Pageant, simillary bilge keels.


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17 Apr 2011
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I wound like to live on the bout. There are always same connections witch society, thinkings to do on the earth, but I want that bout is my relay home. This live don’t cost sou much and offer a lot possibility for freedom. There are the people witch live in this way. I thing that this is same choose.
That is truth that this earth is more and more seed , sou why not ?... I have this idea in head since 2 years and I imagine how it can be ( economically ). This is home for all live, witch move ...
Now I have for this idea 7000 Euro, I think add a'little more. For this price it is possible buy something what I want. I want something fore move in sweet water and in the see, and can handly put down mast. There are same English boats like Snapdragon 26, 24, Westerly Pageant.
Hear is my list:
Westerly Pageant, See master 23, Snapdragon 24, Snapdragon 26, Kent 27 G class, Vivacity 24,
Leisure Leisure, MacWester 28, Mac Wester 26, Cristal Csistal 22, Kingfisher 26.
They are similar, and evry have bi quelle. The moust I like Snapdragon 26 – only a'little bigger draft like Westerly Pageant ( or the same ), and this bout have 8 metes. I know that I must reduce evry my thingks to minimum, sou 8 metrs is better.
I have loocked a'little on forums to take opinion about this bout ( Snap 26 ).I have listened good things and something negative – it's about that it don’t sail good "contre wind". What is this problem ? I nou that everything is relative ( and we can not have everything ), bat this problem with this, is it big problem ?, maybe the same like with Westerly Pageant or Centaur and every similar bout witch I writed heare. One thing Im sure - that I want bout in this type ( bi quelle ) . Could you give me same idea about this. And say something about good " things" caracteristic of this bout ( Snap 26 ) and things less good. I no that it is not very fast, but is it ship of slow or middle speed, if compare with other sail – boats ?

I woud like to know something more about this ship.

And yet . What is headroom in Snap 26 (maybe is no always the same ) ?

Question general: What is the differents between Snapdragon and Westerly Centaur or Pageant in saling ?


After I will look for people to go swim - sail on there bout for help in manoeuvres, because I don’t no to sail. But I have same experiences with see, and same idee theorique about navigation ( I have been in school maritime 3 months, and work on fish boat for my lovely sail – boat ). After I must go in UK for buy ship, but I don’t no person for help me with this. Aaaaaa ! And I no that it is important decision.

Ralf My imeil direct:


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10 Nov 2007
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Hi Ralf, welcome

There are always many old bilge keel boats of the type that you describe for sale in UK. They are designed as family boats and usually have enough space for 1 or 2 people to live on. However, they are all very old and the condition is very variable - in particular most of the cheap ones have old engines that probably need replacing. You are unlikely to get a fully functioning boat for 7K euros. Anything at that price will need work or replacement parts.

Sailing performance is not a priority in this design of boat, but it is adequate for coastal work.


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17 Apr 2011
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"You are unlikely to get a fully functioning boat for 7K"

Sou hov many I need for buy something correct ?



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5 Jul 2004
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Thames Marine Boats

Hi Ralf

The Snapdragon is a much under-rated boat in many respects, it is strong, well designed and safe. It is not a great sailing machine and does not have the Westerly name so it tends to cost less than say a Centaur which in my opinion is inferior to the Snappy (I ve had both). You will find a good one for 7000E here is one that has been re-engined at some time and could be worth a look, I just googled "snapdragon 26" to find it..,-GRP-sail-cruiser.-.html

or this
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8 May 2003
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I have been looking at your typr of boat as its all I can aford(out of the childrens inheritance) but even if you buy a Snapdragon 747 etc if the engine dies you can fit an outboard and the engine space will available for storage ,in general the engine ,as previously mentioned is the problem with older boats...unless your an engineer


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17 Apr 2011
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Reply to Mogy

There are old boats with yang engine for the same price and even chiper.
There are a'lotte.


Well-known member
10 Nov 2007
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"You are unlikely to get a fully functioning boat for 7K"

Sou hov many I need for buy something correct ?


The price range is between £5-10k, so your 7000E will only buy at the bottom of the price range. Snapdragons and MacWesters are generally cheaper then Westerlys. You need to consider each boat on its merits and condition as work and replacement costs are related to size of boat not your original cost. For example a new engine in this size will cost over £4000 and sails over £1000. So try to buy a boat that has good main equipment. Be prepared to do a lot of work yourself.