Scuttlebutt Cherbourg Cruise 2011


Well-known member
18 Jan 2003
Nazare Portugal
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Just noticed that in starting our own forum the date was not included!! Silly Billy me


If people are interested add your names to this thread.

For the newbees and X channel virgins that are tempted. We always pick a weekend with Neap tides so that the effect of the tide and the risk of wind over tide creating bigger waves is minimised.

The Scuttlebutt Cherbourg trip has been going for some 10yrs. It has developed from a Saturday evening meal at the Cherbourg YC to also include a Saturday afternoon boat/pontoon gathering for drinks and nibbles, I usually start the larder with a selection of wines/beers and nibbles which others also contribute. We bring labels on which you write your forum name so you can put a face to a poster and introduce themselves. Obviously the latter depends on the weather but we have been blessed by the Sun God for the last few years and they have been a great sucess. I introduced the afternoon gathering to ensure it was fully inclusive and welcomed strangers otherwise there was a risk of just a few gatherings on individual boats of people that only knew each other.

After the evening meal a few do collect on a few boats and drink well into and for some through the night!!

Most go on the Friday and return on the Sunday but a few do extended stays. I have negotiated discounted berthing at Cherbourg and can also arrange it at St Vaast (providing only 1 person collects everyones berthing fees) a few go to St Vaast for Friday night.

I will finally collate a spreasdsheet and distribute it to participants, only to their personal e mails. This includes such info as you are happy to give but usually includes mobile numbers , departure port and likely time so that participants, especially newbees, can contact others and sail in company. The spreadsheet also enables some last minute ship jumpers if anyone has problems with their own boat before departure. Before my time I believe there was also a weekend where most gravitated to and sailed in the bigger boats due to the weather.

We also run a thread for crew available and crew wanted as we try to fit in everyone who want to go - its also good if you want to do your 1st X channel with someone more experienced.

Fergus helps and he has already booked the YC and we usually go for the Captains Menu. There are Vegi options. There are usually about 40-50 people for the last few years.

For many its also a final opportunity to stock up with cheap wine for the winter months. Normandy wines has a good selection of mainly French wines and many countries beers but there is also a branch of Majestic Wines in Cherbourg that has their normal new world selection (see Majestic France website). If you preorder (don't pay until you collect!) you can get a further discount from Majestic - we usually get another £90 off!!

Final decision whether to sail if up to each skipper, no deposit so no loss if weather does turn bad.

Final point in spite of some confusing advice spouted by some that want to exercise their power with the French Authorities I recommend following the RYA advice and take orginal ships registration document and passports. In 13 yrs of Xing channel I have only ever required them once by UK border agency just S of I of W but better to be safe IMHO!

Feel free to add you comments if I have missed anything or not properly described the flavour of the event. Your comments will also help keep this thread live. You never know we may get Richard Shead or Snooks to turn up one year.

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Well-known member
18 Jan 2003
Nazare Portugal
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Starters & Runners

The following have expressed an interest . PLease let me kow your best guess at numbers and any corrections/additions to the list.

Sailfree - 7
Fergus - 5
Galadriel -2
prv - 2
Pinnacle - 4
Fireball - 2
Jenaline IV
Top Cat 47 - 2
Talbot - 2
Twister Ken - 4 Parahandy MoodyNick
Hazymoonshine - 5
Whitelighter - Duplicat - 5 - Rick P, Chas25 & JHR
Ladyinbed - 3
duncan- 2 - if good weather
Laundryman - 2
Neil Oliver- Ruach
Wizard - 2
Bedouin - 1 or 2
Cohel - 2 - mjcp
Shaddickp - 4 (1 crew place available - then 5!) Not dinning at YC intend to leave Saturday
Mudisox - 2 or 4
Tribute - possible!
Martin J - 2
robp - 3
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Well-known member
16 May 2001
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We are a very probable for this year as usual - subject to the usual caveats.

I would like to make St Vaast this year but that depends on how the lock times work (and usually they don't :( )


Well-known member
31 May 2001
'ang on a mo, I'll just take some bearings
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Currently planned to be self, Parahandy, Moody Nick plus - maybe - A.N.Other.

Likely departure, Gosport Friday am direct to Chbg unless wind dir makes St Vaast a better option for Friday night and the lock times allow. (edit - looks like they do)
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Well-known member
26 Nov 2002
Royston Vasey
A married man was having an affair with his secretary. One day, their passions overcame them and they took off for her house, where they made passionate love all afternoon. Exhausted from the wild sex, they fell asleep, awakening around eight PM.
As the man threw on his clothes, he told the woman to take his shoes outside and rub them through the grass and dirt. Mystified, she nonetheless complied. He slipped into his shoes and drove home.
"Where have you been!" demanded his wife when he entered the house.
"Darling, I can't lie to you. I've been having an affair with my secretary and we've been having sex all afternoon. I fell asleep and didn't wake up until eight o'clock."
The wife glanced down at his shoes and said, "You lying *******! You've been playing golf!"



Well-known member
18 Jan 2003
Nazare Portugal
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As there now appears to be no time limit to edit a post I am using my original post of Runners and Starters to keep a total list of those interested and numbers.

Please advise if you have any other formites on board so that I can list them as I believe many are encouraged to attend the Cherbourg Cruise as it enables them to put a face to a particular formite.

Please advise on numbers and any veggies. I will start the spreadsheet in September and distribute it only to personal e mail addresses. Content is usually Name, boat name, numbers, other formites on board, mobile numbers, personal e mail address, departure port, estimated date/time of departure & destination (a number go to St Vaast for Friday night)

To start this I have the details from previous years so if you have changed anything please PM me. If you do not want me to share any info I might already have again please e mail me. I try to ensure that the spreadsheet is as helpful to others as possible (many like to arrange to sail in company) but I only want to include the info that you are happy to share.

We have been so lucky with the weather in recent years for the Saturday afternoon boat/pontoon gathering but am open to suggested drinking venues where people can circulate and chat to others if it is raining. At present I can only think of the YC. Any suggestions for probably 40 people? I consider the Saturday gathering important as at the evening meal many sit with their crew (any suggestions for mixing this up?) and I want to make it all inclusive and avoid small groups gathering on individual boats that could give the appearance of excluding others.

Please also keep an eye on the other threads with crew seeking berths and fit in the extra person if possible.
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Active member
4 Apr 2005
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:D :D

Every Forumite I have ever met (including Rick and Jez) has been clutching a glass full of alcohol at the time. I do hope Mr and Mrs Chas25 aren't going to spoil this honourable tradition....



In the case or Mr & Mrs Chas25 it is much more likely to be two glasses (each) but the principle remains intact I suppose...