Request for help – Drugs Importation via Boats & Planes.


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14 Mar 2021
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So after 40+ years of a 'war on drugs' which has been TOTALLY ineffective
How do you know the war on drugs has been Totally ineffective? If it were not for the war on drugs there might be two or three times as many drug addicts as there are to day.

You sound like a drug taker trying to find a justification for taking drugs
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Biggles Wader

Well-known member
3 Mar 2013
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How do you know the war on drugs has been Totally ineffective? If it were not for the war on drugs there might be two or three times as many drug addicts as there are to day.

You sound like a stupid drug taker trying to find a justification for taking drugs
Polite request-----Can you please keep that sort of comment for the lounge rather than the EC forum.


Well-known member
5 Feb 2006
N Kent Coast
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It is a basic fact of economics that if you reduce the price and/or make a product more widely available, you will sell more
Drugs are part of organised crime. The gangs create (nasty) pressure on kids and others to deal. The 'industry' is well organised and 'marketing' well thought out, but a very dark place to be involved.

By taking the profit out of drugs there is much less incentive for organised criminals to work in that country - less profit but still risk of being caught. By bringing drugs 'in house' you have a chance to re-habilitate, and have a better understanding of who is doing what to whom. It might be counter intuitive that you legalise (whatever that means) something that you want to stamp out, but if you can get the whole system right, as it appears Portugal managed, then there is certainly a case for it. Is the UK capable of getting similar results?


Well-known member
12 Jun 2019
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I do think these conversations rather pointless........

So here is a thought. Next time you're anchored somewhere this summer, maybe the backwaters or up the Deben I bet you anything there will be a perfectly respectable sailor within sight enjoying a quiet spliff before they turn in for the night... Maybe a couple even........ So is anything wrong with that? And no before anyone starts it won't be me!


Well-known member
5 Feb 2006
N Kent Coast
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If you Google long term effects of cannabis use, you might conclude it is not such a good idea - and this is just the lighter end of the drug scale.


Well-known member
15 Feb 2005
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Legalisation: even if usage stays the same, or goes up slightly - doesn't crime and associated antisocial behaviour reduce? Don't you move crack dens into clinics? Do you remove the pressure on adicts to recruit more adicts?
I've no axe to grind, but I've always thought that those benefits alone would be valuable...


Well-known member
4 Jan 2015
Live in Fareham Area, Boat in Gosport
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As a stupid drug taker I have tried...

A handful of Cigars
Alcohol in various forms
I was once in the front of a car when a passenger in the rear rolled a spliff, driver and I rolled down the front windows.

I had a school mate who joined the RAF and ended up doing weed, he was caught on a random drug test kicked out of the RAF and accomodation he and his partner ended up down in the SW. They got into more serious stuff and to make ends meet they bought drugs cut them then dealt them and he put her on the game, I have no idea if they are even still alive. Both from 'middle class' nice families who both blame each others kids for the unholy mess :cry:

My son works the doors on several bars and clubs on the south coast, a couple of festivals and Wembley, there is NO shortage of drugs. He caught 2 guys snorting coke in a toilet cubicle and told them to get their shit together and get out, thankfully the group of 9 blokes all trooped out quietly

I am about as anti drugs as you will get, it is a blight on our society.