Arrangements Cherbourg 2009


Well-known member
18 Jan 2003
Nazare Portugal
Visit site
The Scuttlebutt Cherbourg run will take place on 12th /13th of September (Neap tides).

Evening meal will be at the Cherbourg Yacht Club @35Euro for Formule du Capitaine Menu

This consists of following choices

1 Kir aperitif

2 Smoked ham and hot goat's cheese or Crab & avocado

3 Grilled Salmon with mushroom sauce or confit of duck with red berry sauce

4 Cheese platter (3 Normandy cheeses) with green salad

5 Chocolate pud with custard or pear tart with vanilla ice cream

6 Coffee

One third of a bottle of house red or white wine per person
Vegetarians must notify in advance so we can plan numbers

The YC will be instructed that all additional drinks will be paid for upon receipt (Unlike Tome I will not be settling anyone elses wine bill)

Weather permitting we will have a boat/pontoon gathering on Janes Buoy for drinks (additional contributions appreciated) and nibbles. Weather not permitting we will nominate a bar for an afternoon meet.

Black Tie & Decorations will not be worn but labels WILL so you can easily be recognised for the abusive posts you may have made over the past year.

A berthing discount will be available at Cherbourg.

A number of us go to St Vaast for the Friday night and once I have an indication of numbers I will approach St Vaast for a discount.

We have not been asked for a deposit this year

Please indicate if you are interested and I will start a list of starters & runners. I think the YC can take about 80 so judging from previous years we should be OK but if necessary to limit numbers I will make list from earliest replies.

Please let me know if you are interested in attending with boat name and number of crew. Later I will request you PM me your mobile contact numbers and e mail address to put on a spreadsheet that I will e mail everyone.

Nearer the time I will request menu choices (not yet as you may have some crew changes).

To be helpful to those that may not be so experienced X channel and would be more comfortable travelling in company I will add approx departure time/date/port - again nearer the time. Its every captains responsibility to judge the weather and decide that it is safe for their boat/crews cabability to attend.

Once the thread gets going I will request it is transferred to Forum Events.

We will also add a thread for spare berths available and requests.

I think that covers everything but any questions please ask.

Fergus has kindly offered to assist with his excellent French language skills and hopefully Cutter can attend to do his normal introductory speech when I believe I can expect his usually p*ss taking at my expense.